Carolyn Love Sterling
(formerly Caroline Burdulis)

Marketing Strategist
Business Systems Strategist
Business Growth Trainer/Coach
International Speaker
Best-Selling Author
I help women entrepreneurs double and triple their six figure business, working the hours they want with ideal clients they love while enjoying the downtime and self-care they need.
As an International Speaker and serial Entrepreneur for 2 decades, quickly growing 5 successful businesses, all reaching over $100,000 in the first year, Carolyn offers real world knowledge and experience with her inspiring style.
She grew her first business to over $750,000 by the 4th year and her 2nd to over $30,000 a month by the 5th month utilizing the signature networking system she created, NetSharing™, with a few of the first steps detailed in her Internationally best-selling book, 30 Seconds to 30 Clients, available Free below:
Imagine a woman entrepreneur in her 40s, exhausted and frustrated after trying to get her business past six figures for a decade. Although she worked with several coaches, she still didn’t have enough business to hire the staff she needed so that she could work less while further growing her business.
After working with me for two months, she increased her revenue enough to hire three people!🤗
“When you ask me if your program was helpful, I say, yes, yes, yes, yes!
The program was great. I’m simply swamped with work.”
– Rachel Revill, Entrepreneur
how did I get here?
Hard-won knowledge
I spent every day, weekends and holidays included, the 1st 15 months of being a new entrepreneur. Having just finished my Masters and in a new state I had just moved to, knowing no one, it was a daily struggle to figure out how to reach people to let them know I had answers to help them with my Integrative Medical practice.
With massive student debt and medical bills, there was nothing left to pay for marketing training or materials. I just had to figure it out or call it quits and go back to the corporate world.
Broken and crying on the curb
Then came THE DAY… a critical day, where broken and spent, I cried while sitting on the curb, ready to give up. I just couldn’t go on. I was in complete despair in a state of hopelessness. It was all too hard. How did Solopreneurs do this anyway? How did anyone get started? It just seemed impossible.
Something shifted in that moment.
This … is … happening.
That’s what I told myself. It was the pivotal moment I resolved to die or succeed. I made a very conscious choice NOT to give up. It was no longer an option and I completely put it out of my mind.
Revitalized, taking that option off the table, I refused to give up and decided I was going to keep going no matter what. There had to be a solution and obviously since everything I was doing wasn’t working, I needed to get creative.
It was the magical moment that lead ultimately to my creating my own networking system: NetSharing™.
I never looked back.
Since then I’ve helped hundreds of coaches, consultants, and practitioners across the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia and loved every minute helping them shine (my genius is seeing your genius!) and grow their business, bringing joy back into their lives.

People Flying in to Learn From Her
Over a decade ago, By her 6th year in business, she began receiving requests from around the country from entrepreneurs asking if they could fly in to learn her success strategies.
As she mentored these new entrepreneurs, She quickly realized that others weren’t having the same degree of success and so launched her online training and coaching platform to help.
Wanting to offer the best training style and coaching services, she studied with over half a dozen of the top 7 and 8 figure coaches online in a variety of programs including a two-year mastermind which helped her become an expert in copywriting for successfully marketing a coach, consultant or practitioner’s services.
Why she’s passionate to help you
Carolyn Love Sterling (formerly known as Caroline Burdulis, but has since reclaimed her family name Love Sterling after divorce) loves helping women entrepreneurs since she witnessed the struggle her mother faced after divorcing her father. Her mother was basically nonexistent in the world, having been a stay at home mom. She had no credit and struggled for years to establish herself outside of the marriage.
Her passion is to help every woman who wants to be financially independent fulfill her destiny to help all those she knows she’s meant to serve, while being richly paid her full value.

International speaker in Summits for 4000 people
Carolyn has been featured as a Speaker in multiple online Summits, several of which were attended by over 4000 people from
around the globe.
She speaks at a variety of women entrepreneur networking chapters and events both online and in-person, offering her Signature Talk on Creating Your Genius Phrase™ so that you shorten the timeline from first meeting someone to a YES! for your services and products.
The book was an immediate international bestseller,
downloaded over 742 times, in over 42 countries in the first 6 weeks
Get your copy below:
Her Coaching and Training Programs
She’s helped several hundred women entrepreneurs (and a few great men) across the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia successfully grow their business to achieve their goals while eliminating overwhelm and exhaustion.
Her online campus features over half a dozen programs including year-long masterminds, with training on her Sterling Success Strategies™ so that others can also achieve her $750,000 business level … and more.
Carolyn as Your Event Speaker

Carolyn is amazing, so if you need a speaker for zoom or live,
she would be terrific.
She showed a whole new way, which was amazing,
to present yourself to a potential client.
- Robbie Motter,
GSFE - Global Society for Female Entrepreneurs
She’s been Featured as a Speaker in multiple online Summits with over 4000 attendees,
and is the creator of the:
Genius Phrase™,
Imagine Emotion Statement™,
5 Weeks to 5 Clients™ program
and her Signature
NetSharing™ networking
system among others.